Gate update

Some of you have been asking how my allotment is getting on with repairing the gate. Well, I would love to say that it’s all sorted and we now have a secure gate again but alas no, that would most definitely be a lie. Nothing at all has changed and the council and allotment committee members have made no attempt whatsoever to even try and either repair it or put a temporary gate on in its place.


It is still completely open and I dread the weekend. At the moment, due to the dark evenings some of the youth in the area may be unaware that the site is actually open, yet when the weekend appears and they can see the entrance in its full entirety during daylight hours, who knows what the may decide to do.

I made a trip there yesterday to remove my larger plant pots. They are really the only thing I have of value there after the last theft, and I also hid my trusty tools. They have no monetary value but I have had them a while and cannot cultivate my plot without them.

I feel really disheartened that both the council and allotment committee members have made no attempt to rectify the situation, relying on emails rather than face to face as a form of communication, to try and come to some sort of arrangement. In the meantime us allotment holders that are paying for the privilege of having a plot dread the prospect of going to the plot for fear of what state it may be in!

I am in no position to do anything about this so I guess I’ll just have to play the wait and see game. I’ll let you know how, if ever, it goes.

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4 Responses to Gate update

  1. MrsYub says:

    Oh dear. That is very disheartening. How did the wekend fair??

    • Couldn’t face going up there. My friend went on Saturday and he said all seems ok so far. They are supposed to be coming today to LOOK at it! Who knows when it will be repaired!

  2. Diane says:

    Has it been fixed yet?
    You should urge your committee to fix it – it probably invalidates your public liability insurance if your gates aren’t secure.

    • Hi Diane,
      Yes , thankfully the gate has been fixed but there still seems to be issues with security at our site. There are holes in the fences that surround our site making it open for anyone who decides to have a wander. This has been reported but they don’t seem to be bothered about fixing them.

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